Sectioning, Re-sectioning, and Merging of Unit Ownership Associations

Expertise: Real Estate, Property Development
Our lawyers have specialized expertise in sectioning, re-sectioning, and merging of unit ownership associations. Sectioning, re-sectioning, and merging often affect multiple parties. These can include unit owners, boards, developers, managers, architects, real estate agents, municipalities, and the Mapping Authority. We focus on coordinating information, allocating tasks appropriately, and maintaining dialogue to make the process, which can often be perceived as bureaucratic and somewhat cumbersome, as efficient as possible.


Sectioning involves dividing a property into multiple units or owner sections, both physically and legally. We can assist with the entire process from start to finish: advising on and completing the sectioning application, drafting and adapting bylaws, providing input on sectioning drawings and site plans, and advising on the organization of the property.

We handle everything from duplexes to large projects with hundreds of units. Each process is unique, but our experience allows us to streamline our assistance. We tailor our support to the specific needs of our clients, identifying areas where they can contribute. Some clients prefer us to manage the entire process, while others seek our advice on specific matters.


Sometimes the sectioning does not align with the actual use of the property, necessitating a change in sectioning – a re-sectioning. This could involve changes in the use of parking spaces and storage units. We can assist with the reorganization to ensure that the registered sectioning drawing matches the actual use.


Merging of Unit Ownership Associations

Since January 1, 2021, it has become easier to merge unit ownership associations. Merging can provide economies of scale and reduce common expenses for unit owners. For example, a merger might mean only needing one agreement for snow plowing, one for TV and internet, and one for accounting and management.

If you would like an obligation-free consultation, please contact Kristine Andersen Aasgaard. We can help you understand the costs involved in the process, including those for public authorities, other actors, and our assistance.

Expertise: Real Estate, Property Development